Stop Judging Applicants Based On Their Appearance

So, we are back to the bad old days, are we? Women judged on their looks first, second on personality and lastly, skills. Just when you thought it was safe to go out again, NOPE.

I read a horrifying article about “pretty privilege.” This article shared stories of women who were seemingly passed over for roles they were very well suited for, because of their appearance. Why are we back to the days when women are told must wear that, don’t say to much, don’t keep quiet and don’t brag about yourself at all.

Didn’t we all see the Barbie movie and listen to America Ferrera’s speech? Didn’t the men watching the movie finally get a blast of in-justices on what woman go through every day. And now, to have employers say the meanest things?

You don’t wear enough make-up, ummm I am allergic to it, I don’t like it, I want people to see me and not the façade that make-up shows. You wear to much make-up, it covers your face to much, it shows you are hiding something about yourself, you don’t put it on correctly. Umm, I like make-up, I like how I carry myself with make-up, I feel pretty and professional in make-up. And the list goes on and on and on.

JUST STOP IT PEOPLE. And not just men, women shame women too, this is not one sided!!

Rule of thumb once again when you interview, and this is for the interviewee and for the interviewer. This is also for everyone, not just women

• Before you leave for an interview, regardless of where the interview is, you look in the mirror and you say you look good, you look professional, and you are comfortable

• You keep your hands by your side or on the table folded or in your lap

• You do not shake your leg!

• You listen with intent

• When asked a question, answer it. Don’t use more than 1 minute unless it requires you to use 2

• You ask questions that are relevant to you and the company and the role

• You always carry yourself with respect!!!!

Is their more? Of course. Common sense for you all


If the role requires you to be people facing, be clean and neat. That’s it. On an interview be clean and neat. Speak in your tone with your voice and body language. This is not rocket science, this, once again is COMMON SENSE and PROFESSIONAL.


Knowing Your Truth & The Truth Of Your Company


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