Knowing Your Truth & The Truth Of Your Company

I have been working with a client for a few years now. He is extremely gifted, highly motivated and speaks the truth in all his endeavors. I personally believe he should have his own consulting firm and I think I finally have him contemplating it. But besides that, we had a strong conversation this week and I wanted to share a few takeaways with you all.

Stop and think about these questions. Do you have the answers?

  • How does truth impact your company?

  • How do you find the truth in a company?

  • Is data the only true meaning behind truth?

  • What is truth to you and your need to stay successful while searching for a new career?

If you are searching for your answers and you need a nudge, hit me up.

Jennifer Mastor

MASTOR Recruiting & Consulting



Transparency & Honesty While Interviewing


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