The Real Meaning Behind Thanksgiving

What is the true meaning behind Thanksgiving?

According to the Websters Dictionary, “The true meaning of Thanksgiving focuses upon relationship. Thanksgiving is a relationship between God and man. Upon their arrival at New Plymouth, the Pilgrims composed The Mayflower Compact, which honored God. Thanksgiving begins with acknowledging God as faithful, earnestly giving Him thanks, in advance, for His abundant blessings.”

With that said, I’ve been reflecting on what Thanksgiving means to me this year.

I had a unique year this year and I realized how much I depend on myself to do what I need to do to stay focused, stay successful and to embrace my changes all at the same time. My relationship with myself, finding out more about myself, why I do what I do, how I do it and how I move forward every year doing so is something I’ve realized I’m very thankful for. The word CHANGE is one of my favorite words, even when life throws you a few curve balls, embracing change is necessary. Doing so is how I accept changes and challenges which allow me to take care of myself and be my authentic self.

What am I thankful for? Still trying to articulate that and am grateful to have the opportunity to do so. I love what I do, how I do it and how it helps you, and how it helps me. I’m thankful that life continues on, and for that we’re lucky. I’m thankful for my family, my friends, my colleagues, my network, and the people who have cheered me on both personally and professionally.

Thank you for reading and may you all have a healthy, happy and meaningful holiday.

Jennifer Mastor

MASTOR Recruiting & Consulting


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